Frequently Asked Questions

No, only the Digital Health Check is eligible for standard Deere co-op refunds.

No, Digital Health Check score are designed to showcase marketing opportunities for dealer and no not need to be “passed” in order to receive co-op funds.

All certified products and services will be billed directly to the dealer’s statement.

There are no long-term contracts in the John Deere Digital Program. The contract period for all programs and services is month-to-month to provide flexibility. Products cancelled on or before the 10th of the month will be billed through the end of the month. Products cancelled after the 10th of the month will be billed through the end of the following month.

All Ag & Turf and CCE John Deere accounts are eligible to participate.

Your enrollment is completely voluntary.

Scores for both Digital Health Checks and Customer Engagement Checks are benchmarked off of fellow Deere dealers in your local territory.

Yes, lead submission and phone calls are made by real people with a randomized shopping persona.

“Certified” simply means that the services within the John Deere Certified Digital Program are the preferred digital services by John Deere Sales and Marketing for use by their valued dealer partners.

Upon registration you will receive a confirmation email with your selected packages and services.

The Digital Health Check is intended to augment your existing workflows with your agency of record.

Criteria was based off John Deere digital objectives and brand guidelines

The Digital Health Check will establish benchmarks against scaled peers (National, Regional and Divisional) based off John Deere digital objectives and brand guidelines.

Both services (Customer Engagement Check and Digital Health Checks) are executed individually by dealer location.

Please contact the John Deere Digital Support Team at 833-332-3110 or email JDCDP@johndeere.com.